
Revision as of 12:03, 8 June 2014 by Micha (Talk | contribs)

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Create new account

  • Individual person
    • is kind of account choosen? (individual person OR group)
    • is a language selected?
    • is an association selected?
    • is a country selected?
    • empty or invalid user name?
    • user name cannot start with numbers
    • Same passwords?
    • Password shorter than 8 characters?
    • (FIXME: To be verified in code: Definition of invalid passwords?)
    • empty or invalid email address?
    • email address in use?
    • user name in use?
    • user name = password ?
    • user name used at the nickserver?
    • If country is choosen, then the list of associations should be reduced to the associations of that country? (Javascript needed)
  • Group
    • same tests as Individuum again


  • with existing user and wrong password
  • with not existing user and new password
  • with existing user and right password => OK

Change Password

  • right old password and the differnet new passwords
  • same new passwords, shorter than 8 characters
  • wrong old password and the same new passwords
  • right old password and the same new passwords => OK

Password forgotten

  • existing username => Mail with pass-code
    • wrong/changed passcode in url
    • differnet new passwords
    • same new passwords, shorter than 8 characters
    • same new passwords => OK

Joti Validation Card (JVC)

  • send a JVC to yourself => error message
  • send a JVC to an unregistered user name => error message
  • send a JVC to an empty user name => nothing will happen (is that ok?)